The Université de Lorraine organises every year a thematic symposia on Open Science. Find here the presentations of the past editions.

The Université de Lorraine’s data workshop, ADOC Lorraine, is organising a week of events around research data from 10 to 14 March 2025.

Online workshops (in French)

Several workshops offered during this week by the ADOC Lorraine team are also organised during the rest of the year:

Webinar (in French)

Droit et ouverture des données de la recherche, coorganised with the  “Régulation des plateformes numériques et souveraineté” Chair of the IRENEE – Institut de Recherches sur l’Évolution de la Nation Et de l’État, and moderated by Maximilien Lanna, Junior Professor, IRENEE (UR 7303), Université de Lorraine, tenured of the “Régulation des plateformes numériques et souveraineté” Chair.

  • Enjeux juridiques de l’ouverture des données de la recherche – Maximilien Lanna, Professeur Junior, IRENEE (UR 7303), Université de Lorraine, Titulaire de la Chaire « Régulation des plateformes numériques et souveraineté »
  • Science ouverte et droit d’auteur – Patrick Tafforeau, Professeur de droit privé, Université de Lorraine, Membre du Centre d’Études et de Recherches en Droit de l’Immatériel (CERDI), Université Paris Saclay.
  • Enjeux des données de la recherche en droit – Pierre Peraldi-Mittelette, Chargé d’édition de corpus numérique et non numérique, Institut François Geny (UR 7301), Université de Lorraine, Ethnologue, Chercheur associé à l’Institut Convergences Migration et au LACNAD (UR 4092 – Inalco).
  • Solliciter un avis éthique d’un Comité de Protection des Personnes ou du Comité d’Ethique de la Recherche de l’Université de Lorraine – Sarah Weber, Directrice, Direction des Affaires Juridiques, Université de Lorraine.

Symposium (in French)

Storing, backing up, archiving: the preservation of research data in question

Round table – Feedback on the archiving of research data

Moderated by Julie d’Andurain, Professeur des Universités, co-directrice de l’axe 5 du CRULH, co-responsable du Lab5 et de CREAVA, ambassadrice Science Ouverte-Université de Lorraine

  • Guillaume Geandier, Chercheur CNRS, Institut Jean Lamour
  • Andrei Rodin, Enseignant-chercheur, Archives Henri Poincaré-PReST, Université de Lorraine
  • Pierre Willaime, Ingénieur de recherche CNRS, Archives Henri Poincaré-PReST

Session – Data storage and backup

Session – Data archiving

Conclusions by Sophie Payot-Lacroix, Directrice de recherche INRAE, Directrice adjointe de DynAMIc, ambassadrice Science Ouverte-Université de Lorraine


The Université de Lorraine organised a new edition of the Sciences Ouvertes conference, focusing on the production of codes and software in research and their openness. The event, organised by the Codes and Software Operational Committee and the Documentation Department (DDOC), was held on 28 November 2024.

It brought together 65 participants for a morning session at the Maison de la Recherche focusing on exchanges and feedback from local and national speakers. The afternoon consisted of themed workshops on these issues, held at the Présidence Léopold.

Links to the presentation materials (in french) :

Moderated by Romain Pierronnet, Comité Opérationnel Codes et Logiciels. Chargé de mission SI Recherche et Ouverture des codes sources et logiciels – UL. Chargé d’appui à la politique scientifique CEREFIGE – UL

    • Isabelle Blanc, Administratrice ministérielle des données, des algorithmes et des codes sources – MESR
    • Jamal Bougdira, Vice-président en charge de la valorisation – UL
    • Carole Chapin, Membre de l’Office français de l’intégrité scientifique (Ofis)
    • Nicolas Fressengeas, Vice-président en charge du numérique, des données et de la science ouverte – UL . Chargé de mission Science Ouverte auprès du MESR
    • Daniel Le Berre, Référent national pour les forges logicielles de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche
    • Violaine Louvet, Administratrice des données de la recherche et chargée de mission science ouverte de l’Université Grenoble Alpes. Membre du collège codes sources et logiciels du comité pour la science ouverte. Ambassadrice de Software Heritage
    • Baptiste Mélès, Chargé de recherche  Archives Henri-Poincaré – CNRS. Ambassadeur de Software Heritage
  • Projects’ feedback
  • Workshops
    • Valorisation économique et logiciels libres – Pascal Rocklin (Référent Propriété Intellectuelle – Sous-Direction Valorisation et Innovation UL) et Philippe Schaeffer (Responsable Transfert Innovation Partenariats –  Centre Inria de l’Université de Lorraine)
    • Comment bien initier un projet de développement ouvert ? – Violaine Louvet (Ingénieur de recherche CNRS – Laboratoire Jean Kunztmann, Université Grenoble Alpes) et Tugce Demir (Mission d’Appui à la Recherche – DDOC)
    • Le développement collaboratif en recherche avec GitLab – Philippe Dosch (Maître de conférences – LORIA) et Julien Coupier (Ingénieur d’études développement – Direction du Numérique)
    • Préserver et diffuser ses codes sources et logiciels – Celia Lentretien (Mission d’Appui à la Recherche – DDOC) et Jozefina Sadowska (Pôle Données de la recherche – Centre Inria de l’Université de Lorraine)
    • Réflexion autour d’une communauté UL – Adrien Baldit (Maître de conférence – LEM3) et Julien Coupier (Ingénieur d’études développement – Direction du Numérique)
    • Notebooks en programmation avec JupyterLab – Chih-Kang Huang (Post-Doctorat – Institut Jean Lamour) et Lætitia Bracco (Mission d’Appui à la Recherche – DDOC)

The University of Lorraine’s data workshop, ADOC Lorraine, is organising a week of events around research data from 11 to 15 March 2024.

Online workshops

Most of the workshops offered during this week by the ADOC Lorraine team are also organised during the rest of the year:

Webinar (in French)

Une culture de la donnée en Sciences humaines et sociales est-elle possible ? – webinaire animé par Florence Bouchet-Moneret (MSH Lorraine). Replay :


Producing, processing, analysing, storing, distributing and reusing data: what about digital sobriety?

Data papers, a solution for sharing and exploiting research data

Round table – Feedback on the publication of a data article

Animée par Audrey Knauf, maîtresse de conférences, ambassadrice des données, CREM – Université de Lorraine

  • Marine Amouroux, ingénieure de recherche, ambassadrice des données, CRAN – Université de Lorraine

  • Camille Robert-Boeuf, docteure en géographie, chercheuse associée, UMR LADYSS et Centre de recherche Europes-Eurasie – Inalco

  • Brigitte Vigolo, chargée de recherche CNRS, ambassadrice des données, Institut Jean Lamour

Conclusions by Adrien Baldit, maître de conférences, ambassadeur des données, LEM3 – Université de Lorraine


The data workshop of the University of Lorraine, ADOC Lorraine, proposes a week of events around research data from March 13 to 16, 2023.

Online workshops (in french)

Symposium (in french)

It is now a traditional event at the University of Lorraine: the Sciences Ouvertes conference is back. It was held in person on Thursday afternoon, June 30, at the Léopold Presidency in Nancy.


After previous editions focused on major topics, this year we offer a more general afternoon covering several aspects of Open Science: publications, but also research data and software codes (recently targeted by the 2021-2024 roadmap of the MESRI on the policy of data, algorithms and source codes).


This rise of Open Science requires researchers to acquire new skills. Research support services in universities, research organizations and schools are becoming increasingly structured, and training and awareness-raising activities for research units must also be intensified.


This year, the Documentation Department of the University of Lorraine, in partnership with the Digital Department and the Inist-CNRS, offers you the opportunity to learn about Open Science.


Links to the presentation materials (in french) :

On Thursday, October 8, 2020, the University organized its third annual seminar day around open science, dedicated to research data.


Due to the health context, this day has been proposed entirely in virtual mode.


The morning presented a national and local panorama of the devices that researchers from the University of Lorraine and elsewhere can use to easily and effectively respond to the challenges related to the preservation, enhancement and sharing of research data. Some of the research projects at the University illustrated these issues with specific examples.


The afternoon opened the discussion around the various data management and sharing policies that can be put in place, including the formalization of these aspects through a Data Management Plan. Finally, a spotlight was put on one of the main potentialities of open sharing of research data: to make possible the automated mining of data produced by a large number of groups, in order to bring out new concepts or new ideas.


Link to the videos of the conference (in french) :


Links to the presentations (in french) :


The University of Lorraine is continuing its cycle of seminars on Open Science:


What are the main trends in scientific publishing? What are the expectations of research funders (Ministry, ANR, Europe…)? What are the evolutions in progress or to be anticipated for the university press in France and abroad? How are researchers at the University of Lorraine and the journals produced by the university’s laboratories positioning themselves in light of the challenges and opportunities of the opening up of science that French and European policies are driving?


All these questions will be the subject of presentations and discussions during this day of 17 October 2019 devoted to scientific publication. The whole community of the University of Lorraine and its partners is invited to this day. Participation is free but requires registration.


Practical workshops will be offered during the lunch break so that participants can enjoy the buffet in a convivial atmosphere.


Find the speeches of the day:


Intervening institutions : CREM, DDE, IAM, IMoPA, INIST-CNRS, INRA, LIEC, LORIA, MSH, Pôle OTELo, Unistra


Organized by the Research and Valorisation Direction and the Documentation and Direction, the seminar “Open Sciences: Experiences, Challenges and Perspectives” took place at the Faculty of Science and Technology on October 11th. This colloquium was attended by about 130 participants representing the different professions involved in the process of opening up science: researchers and teacher-researchers, unit directors, Scientific and Technical Information professionals, computer scientists, etc. This colloquium was the first in a series of thematic seminars. The second colloquium, scheduled for 2019, will address the theme of alternative models of publications and editions.



All the recordings are available in the video library of the University of Lorraine: UL Replay.

1st part: Introduction, presentation of the National Plan for Open Science and experiments in Open Science

Duration 03h 02min

  • 0 – 11 min (11 min): Frédéric Villieras, Vice-President of the Scientific Council of the University of Lorraine – Introduction to the seminar.
  • 11 min – 1h 18min (1h07) : Marin Dacos, Scientific Advisor for Open Science to the Director General of Research and Innovation at MESRI – Presentation of the National Plan for Open Science.
  • 1h 18min – 1h 54 min (36 min) : Odile Hologne, Delegate for Scientific and Technical Information at INRA – Open Science at INRA.
  • 1h 54 min – 2h 34 min (40 min): Paul-Antoine Hervieux, Vice-president Delegate for Research in charge of data for research and open science at the University of Strasbourg.
  • 2h 34min – 3h 02min (28 min) : Celia Lentretien, Open Archive Project Manager at the Documentation Direction – Open access at the University of Lorraine.


Part 2: Presentation of experiences in Research Data Management

Duration 01h 57min

  • 0 – 31 min (31 min): Pierre-Yves Arnould, Pôle scientifique OTELo – Presentation of the ORDaR project.
  • 31 min – 51 min (20 min) : Christophe Benzitoun, MSH – Presentation of CENHTOR, a platform for data in Human and Social Sciences.
  • 51 min – 1h 22 min (31 min) : Anne Busin and Florian Mazur, INIST – From data collection to dissemination and valorisation: DMP and future perspectives.
  • 1h 23 min – 1h 57 min (34 min) : Madeleine Hubert and Thomas Jouneau, Documentation Direction – Research data at UL: towards a coherent and concerted service offer.


3rd and last part: Round table on “user” aspects: interests and feedback from researchers and teacher-researchers of the site

Duration 01h 30min

  • 0 – 1h01 (1h01): Round table moderated by Frédéric Villieras and Jean-Pierre Finance.
    Speakers : Xavier Manival, IMoPA – Lucas Nussbaum, LORIA – Sébastien Duplessis, IAM – Emmanuelle Montarges-Pelletier, LIEC and Pierre Humbert, CREM.
  • 1h01 – 1h30 (29 min) : Jean-Pierre Finance, former President of the Conference of University Presidents and President of the EUA Open Science Group – Closing of the day and European perspective.