HAL is an open archive, i.e. a platform that allows both the permanent archiving and the open access diffusion of scientific production. It was created in 2001 by the CNRS and continues to be maintained by the Center for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD).


National and multidisciplinary platform, HAL also allows the creation of institutional or thematic instances. HAL is at the heart of the Open Science strategy at the national level (National Plan for Open Science, CNRS, ANR, etc.) as well as at the UL.

The HAL Univ. Lorraine portal officially opened in May 2016. It became the official bibliography of the University in 2018.

When the project was launched in 2014, 4 solutions were tested: Dspace, HAL, Islandora and Okina (based on Drupal). HAL, which emerged as the winner of this test phase by meeting more than 80% of the expected functionalities listed by our pilot laboratories, was logically chosen by the steering committee. Identified as a national archive by the Ministry, HAL is used by more than 120 institutions of the ESR and thus facilitates the management of publications in the UMR.

Thanks to Article L 533-4-1 of Book V of the Research Code, created by the Law For a Digital Republic of October 7, 2016, when it comes to research financed at 50% by public funds, I can deposit in open access the postprint of an article within a maximum period of 6 months for STM and 12 months for SHS, regardless of the contract signed with the publisher.

The postprint is the final version of the article, which integrates the reviewers’ corrections. It can also be called final draft post-refereeing or accepted article or accepted author manuscript. Its content is identical to the editor’s PDF version but without the layout.

For other types of publications, it is advisable to refer to the contract, to which it is possible to add a clause (model in english). Please note that some publishers allow full-text distribution of book chapters (List of publishers and confitions in French).

Another possibility is to apply the strategy of non-assignment of the rights which consists in not yielding any more the exclusiveness of its author’s rights to an editor to allow, thanks to the deposit in HAL, the immediate free access to the articles, without additional expenses, and whatever the model of diffusion of the review in which they are published.

In case of doubt, contact: hal-contact[@]univ-lorraine.fr

To know more about the legal aspects (in french) : https://openaccess.couperin.org/ai-je-le-droit/

A team of librarians spread over all the campuses is at your service to train you, to accompany you, to carry out the quality control of the UL deposits and to answer any question concerning HAL. Do not hesitate to contact them : hal-contact@univ-lorraine.fr


They can intervene in your teams/units according to the modalities which seem to you the most adapted: presentation, workshop, focus on a specific point, permanence in the units, individual appointment, in presence or remotely.


Moreover, 2 online workshops in English are schedules regularly (number of places limited to 5 people to facilitate exchanges):

  • HAL essential: the essential to know how to deposit a document in HAL (1h)
  • My identity in HAL : to make the point on your HAL account, your multiple authors forms and to create your idHAL / CV HAL (1h)
