Open Science Training
Our teams offer online workshops throughout the year, lasting from 60 to 90 minutes, covering a large range of Open Science aspects: HAL, data management plan, data law, data repository, electronic laboratory notebook…
Several courses on Open Science can be followed on the Arche platform independently. A training program is also available for doctoral and masters students.
You can request tailor-made training courses, for your department, laboratory or project. For this, contact either (for publications), (for research data management) or (for projets set-up).
Open Publications
Objective: Learning the essentials of how to deposit a document in HAL.
Available in French or English.
- HAL essential Humanities
Objective: Learning the essentials of how to deposit a document in HAL. Workshop adapted to the specificities of the Humanities.
Objective: Reviewing your HAL account, your multiple author forms and creating your idHAL and your HAL CV. Understanding the link between IdHAL and ORCID and how to feed your ORCID profile with HAL.
Available in French or English.
- ANR project and HAL
Objective: Knowing how to comply with the HAL filing obligation and monitor publications linked to an ANR-funded project.
For PhD students, a certificate of attendance can be issued on request by the trainer. It should be sent to their doctoral school’s pedagogical manager for validation in Adum.
Self-paced training courses are available to doctoral students and staff at the Université de Lorraine via the Arche platform. They can be taken entirely online and are accessible 24 hours a day.
Objective: Discovering the panorama of Open Science and its implications for scientific research.
For members of the Université de Lorraine,
For PhD students, this course, combined with “Submitting your publications on the Open repository HAL”, enables 0.5 credits to be validated in Adum. For more information and to register: AT2. MDD 101/EN – Open Science : the fundamentals about scientific publications
Objective: Discovering open repositories and HAL in particular. Learning how to make a deposit and how to manage its user account.
For members of the Université de Lorraine,
For PhD students, this course, combined with “Introduction to Open Science”, enables 0.5 credits to be validated in Adum. For more information and to register: AT2. MDD 101/EN – Open Science : the fundamentals about scientific publications
Research Data
Objective: Discovering what a data management plan is and learning how to use DMP OPIDoR to create one.
Objective: Discovering how to find data in your field of study.
Objective: Discovering the legal framework for research data.
Objective: Understanding personal data and the RGPD.
Objective: Addressing the legal issues associated with the production and re-use of still and moving images, as part of a thesis, research publication or course.
Objective: Discovering the data repository on the DOREL space of the Recherche Data Gouv repository.
Objective: Discovering what an electronic laboratory notebook is and learning how to use the eLabFTW solution.
For PhD students, a certificate of attendance can be issued on request by the trainer. It should be sent to their doctoral school’s pedagogical manager for validation in Adum.
Self-paced training courses are available to doctoral students and staff at the Université de Lorraine via the Arche platform. They can be taken entirely online and are accessible 24 hours a day.
Objective: Learning how to define research data, how to find it and how to cite it.
For members of the Université de Lorraine,
For PhD students, this course, combined with “Producing, managing, storing, disseminating research data”, enables 0.5 credits to be validated in Adum. For more information and to register: AT2. MDD 102/EN – Open Science : Discovering research data
Objective: Understanding the institutional data landscape, being able to write a data management plan and produce quality data.
For members of the Université de Lorraine,
For PhD students, this course, combined with “Survival Kit for the Research Data World”, enables 0.5 credits to be validated in Adum. For more information and to register: AT2. MDD 102/EN – Open Science : Discovering research data
Objective: Discovering what data articles are, understanding their benefits and mastering the various stages in the publication process.
For members of the Université de Lorraine,
For outsiders, please contact
Objective: How to reference a source code in HAL in connection with its archiving on Software Heritage.
For PhD students, a certificate of attendance can be issued on request by the trainer. It should be sent to their doctoral school’s pedagogical manager for validation in Adum.
Bibliographic databases – Researchers’ identifiers
- Create and update your ORCID account
Objective: What is the ORCID researcher identifier, create and manage your profile, fill in the various sections and add your works.
Available in French or English.
- OpenAlex: publications, datasets, networks workshop
Objective: Discover the OpenAlex platform, the largest database of bibliographic references, to create your bibliography, find data and identify scientific collaboration networks on any type of subject.
VOSviewer: visualizing bibliometric networks
Objective : In just 1 hour, discover the free VOSviewer software to build maps to visualize scientific networks (authors, institutions, countries, keywords) using bibliographic data from a variety of databases.
For PhD students, a certificate of attendance can be issued on request by the trainer. It should be sent to their doctoral school’s pedagogical manager for validation in Adum.
Projets set-up
- Integrating Open Science into the design of your research project
Objective: Understanding and anticipating the issues related to open science and the expectations of funders, right from the project design stage (ANR, Europe, etc.).
- Integrating Open Science into the design of your ANR project
Objective: Understanding and anticipating open science issues and the expectations of the ANR.
Open Science training for PhD students
We offer about thirty training courses each academic year from November to June, in French or in English.The program includes training for an efficient documentary research, an optimized management of your bibliography, a better knowledge of the scientific publication circuit, etc.
The equivalent modules in French and English cannot be combined. In case of double registration to a module in French and its equivalent in English, only one validation of 0.5 credit will be registered in Adum.
Open Science workshop for master’s students
The Bibliothèques Universitaires de Lorraine Training Department is offering two activities for Masters students. The Open Science awareness activity introduces the issues involved in open access to scientific publications and data. The second takes them through the process of publishing a scientific article.
The activities take a cross-disciplinary approach, adapting to all university courses by integrating the specificities of the fields of health, science and technology, as well as the humanities and social sciences while considering their needs and concerns as young researchers.
If you are a Masters supervisor and would like to find out more, please contact the BU Training Department: