• To ensure that scientific publications (journals, books, conference proceedings) are open access by default as soon as they are published;
  • To promote a scientific publishing ecosystem that respects essential principles such as quality, transparency and steering by the academic community;
  • To encourage bibliodiversity, i.e. the diversity of actors, economic models and forms of publication.

These are three of the major objectives supported by the University of Lorraine, whether for publications from its laboratories or for initiatives outside the institution. It is also in this spirit that the UL was the first university to sign the Jussieu Call for Open Science and Bibliodiversity.

Several laboratories and members of the University are involved in the scientific and / or editorial management of a scientific journal and some have opted for full open access distribution.


This is particularly the case for the following journals:

  • Epiga: epijournal of algebraic geometry, carried by the mathematics laboratory (IECL) and by the Fourier Institute of Grenoble. This journal of a new kind is an ‘overlay journal’ distributed in open access since its creation in 2017 on the Episciences platform. Contact: Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput.
  • Philosophia Scientiae: international journal in the field of phisophy and history of sciences supported by the Archives Henri Poincaré research center. Available on the OpenEdition and Cairn platforms, the journal initially had a two years “moving wall” before the content were made openly available online. Since January 2021, Philosophia Scientae has moved towards an immediate open access model thanks to the financial support of the French National Fund for Open Science and of the Université de Lorraine. Contacts : Manuel Rebuschi and Sandrine Avril.
  • Pratiques: a journal specialized in linguistics, didactics and literature, published by the Centre de Recherches sur les Médiations (Crem). The journal has been distributed in open access on the OpenEdition platform since 2014 and all of its past issues have been digitised by the Persée programme. Contact: Rudy Hahusseau.
  • Projectics/Poyectica/Projectique: management journal published by De Boeck and distributed in open access since 2015 on the Cairn platform, it is supported by the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises de Metz. Contact: Christophe Schmitt.
  • Revue Géographique de l’Est : journal published by the Association des Géographes de l’Est and distributed in open access since 2008 on the OpenEdition platform. The scientific managers of the journal are members of LOTERR, the geography laboratory of the University of Lorraine. Contact: Xavier Rochel.

In addition, the University encourages and supports journals that wish to transform their economic model and move from subscription-based distribution to open access distribution. Opportunities are opened up by the savings made on subscriptions to the journal packages of major commercial publishers and by the establishment of the National Fund for Open Science, which launches an annual call for projects.


For questions: copo-contact@univ-lorraine.fr

– University presses: in spring 2021, the University of Lorraine has decided to redefine its university press strategy by creating a new publishing house, the Editions de l’Université de Lorraine (Edul). One of the priorities of this new structure is “to make scientific works freely available online as soon as they are published”. You can find all the open-access publications on the EDUL website. Contacts: Lylette Lacôte-Gabrysiak and Rudy Hahusseau
– Ibooks in Health : the faculty of medicine has published 11 books in the areas of physiology, ophtalmology, endocrinology, anatomy and vascular surgery. All electronic books are freely downloadable from the Ibooks Store and readable on Apple devices. Contact : Laurent Phialy

The operational committee for open publications (COPO) is available to answer any questions you may have regarding open access publishing and editing. It is a cross-disciplinary committee with members from various backgrounds:

  • Aricia Bassinet, Documentation Direction
  • Florence Bouchet-Moneret, MSH Lorraine
  • Hélène Delacour, CEREFIGE
  • Erwin Dreyer, INRAe
  • Rudy Hahusseau, Editions de l’Université de Lorraine
  • Célia Lentretien, Documentation Direction
  • Jean-François Lutz,  Documentation Direction
  • Laure-Hélène Maire,  Documentation Direction
  • Karim Ramdani, IECL et INRIA

Only one address to contact us: copo-contact@univ-lorraine.fr