Finding the right open access journal to publish in
Beware: there is no miracle tool to find the right journal to publish in. The advice of your peers as well as disciplinary recognition prevail.
Do not hesitate to contact us to help you in your search.
However, some tools may provide you with avenues to explore.
- Step 1: If you have already written the title, the abstract and the references of your article, the B!SON tool (beta version) will suggest you a list of open access journals that match your publication project.
- Step 2: The details of each journal (distribution licence, billing or not of APC, pre-publication deadlines, etc.) should be carefully checked directly on the journal websites for the latest updated information.
- Step 3: Before submitting your article, apply a few standard precautions and check the quality of the journal you have selected. The Think, check, submit website lists all the questions to ask yourself to avoid predatory journals. For more information, see our fact sheet on predatory publishers (in french).
What our subscriptions allow
Although the University of Lorraine recommends avoiding the payment of Article Publishing Charges (APC), some of our subscription contracts include an Open Access component.
Thus, when you publish in the journals of the publishers listed below, as a corresponding author, you may be offered the following options:
- In ACM journals, you benefit from free APCs via our subscription.
- In Elsevier journals (except Cell Press, The Lancet, Trends in…), you benefit from free APCs via a national agreement. Read the terms of agreement and UL recommendations
- In EDP sciences journals, you benefit from free APCs via our subscription and the Ministry’s support scheme.
- In Karger‘s Case Reports, you benefit from free APCs via our subscription.
- In OLH journals, you get free APCs through our support.
- In RSC journals, you can benefit from free APCs as long as the quota of prepaid articles for France is not reached; beyond this threshold, a 15% discount on the public price is applied.