This one-hour workshop includes a presentation of the data management plan and a tool to realize it, DMP OPIDoR. To register, write to: The workshop will take place on Microsoft Teams.
Hal is a platform for the deposit and dissemination of scientific publications (open archive) created in 2001 by the CNRS. By depositing your publications on HAL : You diffuse immediately the results of your research; You make accessible to all the works resulting from the public research; You multiply the visibility of your publications from […]
This module provides a general introduction to research data: what it is, where to find it, and how to cite it. The institutional context of research data in France is also discussed. Type of intervention: alternating lectures, demonstrations and exercises To register, contact:
"Opening up science" is now an objective that is increasingly shared by research players, not only in France but also in Europe and around the world. The aim of this workshop is to present the "fundamentals" of open science: what are we talking about? What is the interest of opening access to scientific productions (data, […]
Publishing an article, a chapter or a communication has been the main means of scientific communication for more than 300 years. The transition to digital technology has led to major changes at many levels: wide and open distribution of publications, peer-reviewing methods, enriched content, link with data, etc. New forms of publication have emerged. New […]
This module requires a preliminary knowledge of research data: having completed Workshop 1 (Survival Kit in the World of Research Data: Identify, Search, Cite) or having had previous experience using or searching for data. In this training, the learner will put himself in the position of the data producer: the issues of production, management, storage […]