A scanR interface for the A2F cluster: a national first

As part of the bibliometric report requested by the A2F Scientific cluster from the dedicated department at the Université de Lorraine, a scanR interface has been created specifically for this…

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Coding for research with UL’s GitLab forge

Producing code has been a very common practice in research for many years, in all research disciplines. One of the best practices is to develop and share your code on…

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MassLor research infrastructure adopts a data management plan

MassLor research infrastructure adopts a data management plan

With the support of the ADOC Lorraine data workshop, the Lorraine Mass Spectrometry Research Infrastructure (MassLor) has adopted a data management plan in January 2025.   Read the complete article…

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Hyphe and SPPAS: two open software producted by research

To illustrate the benefits of opening up the codes of software developed by research teams, the Université de Lorraine has invited Brigitte Bigi and Benjamin Ooghe to talk about how…

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[Open Science Portrait #5] HAL & you: cross-portraits of Jean-Christophe Blanchard, historian at CRULH and Jean-Pol Frippiat, biologist at the SIMPA laboratory

The Open Science support teams (Open Publications, Research Data and Codes and Software) invite you to discover in 2024/2025 the portraits of researchers from the Lorraine university site committed to…

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