Research funding agencies (European Commission, ANR) require researchers to consider open science practices as an integral part of project methodology, and demand that the results of funded research be disseminated as widely as possible (see the page Funding agencies’ expectations).


We support you in taking these issues into account, from the set-up of your project, right through to its completion.


Here are the services we offer:


Sign up to online trainings:

“Integrating Open Science into your ANR project” at the beginning of March and in October


“Open science in Horizon Europe proposal” on request


Thematic workshops on open science

Personnalized assistance

Support during the project development phase:
Support for laureates on the DMP:
Support for laureates on the publications:

Upstream of the project

– Advice and training on open science issues and the expectations of funders

– Support in devising a strategy for managing and disseminating your publications and data, and in organizing your partners accordingly

– Helping you to make the most of these elements in the drafting of your proposal, proof-reading

During the project

– Raising awareness of open science for project members: presentation at a meeting, training modules, etc.

– Support in drafting the Data Management Plan and managing data and software

– Help with open access publishing, possibility of creating a collection in HAL repository

At the end of the project

– Support for dissemination and archiving of data in a trusted repository

– Help with monitoring and checking the deposit of publications and other research products in HAL

This service, in liaison with the university’s services dedicated to French national agency ANR projects (DRV-AGMR), European projects (Dipro), HSS projects (MSH), is aimed at project leaders and partners from research labs of the Université de Lorraine.