Open Science at the Université de Lorraine is disseminated through a number of complementary networks:

The Open Science ambassadors
Scientific staff recruited from the laboratories, the Open Science ambassadors are the spokespersons for good practice in terms of open publications, research data, codes and software within their unit. This network is an evolution of the first network of research data ambassadors.

The data curators
Their mission is to check the quality of the data deposited in their laboratory’s collection on the DOREL institutional space in the Research Data Gouv warehouse.

Publishing network
This network brings together researchers, editors and scientific and technical information professionals involved in publishing a scientific journal or a collection of monographs.

The network of eLabFTW administrators
The purpose of the eLabFTW administrators’ network is to encourage the sharing of experience and the exchange of good practice in the use of electronic laboratory notebooks at the Université de Lorraine.

The university library research support network
The network of reference librarians supports the units and researchers in their appropriation of HAL (training, quality control, extractions, statistics). It shares the range of research support services offered by the Documentation Direction.